How to Style Statement Earrings According to Your Hairstyle

Standout earrings are a surefire way to elevate any look, adding that extra glamour or edge, depending on your mood and the occasion. Accessories can make or break an outfit, and statement earrings can set the tone for your appearance. But with such bold pieces, it's essential to consider the whole package – especially your hairstyle, their backs available and how to store and take care of them

Here's a comprehensive guide on how to wear statement earrings with various hairstyles to ensure you look impeccably put together.

Hairstyles to Complement Your Statement Earrings

Combining the right pair of statement earrings with the perfect hairstyle can create a harmonious aesthetic that frames your face and highlights your features. Here's how to match your ear candy with your hairdo for maximal impact:


Loose and Flowing Hair

The romantic vibe of freely flowing locks works marvelously with statement earrings, offering a soft backdrop for them to stand out. Opt for simple yet bold geometric designs or hoop earrings that won't get tangled in your tresses. Keep the hair behind one ear to showcase the earring on that side and allow your jewelry to make a statement truly.

Sleek Ponytail

A sleek, high ponytail is like a blank canvas for statement earrings. This style pulls attention to your face and gives you free rein to rock those large, dramatic earrings. Try long dangling earrings or chandelier designs that enchant with movement. The key here is to keep your pony sleek and polished to avoid competing with your earrings.

Top Knot or Bun


With your hair up and away from your face, you can let your statement earrings shine. A high bun is particularly flattering when paired with oversized or sculptural earrings. Ensure that your top knot sits high enough on your head to allow the earrings space and prevent them from being overshadowed.

Short Hair or Pixie Cut

Short hairstyles naturally bring attention to the neck and ears, making them ideal for showing off fabulous earrings. With a shorter cut, you can go boldly without the earrings overwhelming your look. Edgy designs, bright colors, or detailed motifs work exceptionally well with pixie cuts.

Half-Up, Half-Down

This hairstyle combines the best of both worlds and is versatile in accessorizing with statement earrings. Delicate, layered, or cascade earrings complement this look beautifully, as they achieve balance and don't compete with the softness of the hair left down.

Side Swept Style

Glamorous, chic, side-swept hair allows for a more dramatic display on one side. This style is perfect for showcasing a singular statement earring or an asymmetric pair. Ensure that the earring on the swept side is the show-stopper while the other earring is a subtle match or a simple stud.


Whether a bohemian fishtail or a tight Dutch braid, earrings peeking through braids add a delightful touch. A good tip is to opt for studs or earcuffs that cling close to the earlobe. This way, you won't have to worry about them catching onto your beautifully plaited locks.

Make Yourself Shine!

Marrying your hairstyle with the right statement earrings can transform your style statement from a whisper to a roar. Remember, the goal is to strike a balance; allow your earrings to be the focal point without overpowering your overall look. Experiment with different combinations to find what feels authentic, whether it's a casual day out or a glamorous event and you can even add a statement necklace too. What are some of your favorite ways to wear hair with statement earrings? Share your style tips and ear candy triumphs!

And when it comes to finding the best earring pieces, Heidi Daus is the place to go! Browse our inventory to see a piece that fits your style and needs best. Contact us today!